Miljøøkonomisk konference 2019

De Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat arrangerede den 12. miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Kurhotel Skodsborg den 22. og 23. august 2019

Konferencen i 2019 bød på oplæg af to internationale kapaciteter i form af professor  Kenneth A. Small,  University of California og professor Christian Traeger, University of Oslo.

Udover keynote-talerne var der parallelle sessioner med præsentation af deltagernes eget arbejde samt en paneldebat om arealanvendelse og klimaneutralitet i 2050.

Program for konferencen

Præsentationer 2019

Professor Kenneth A. Small: "The role of transport in climate policy"
    Video fra konferencen

Professor Christian P. Traeger: "Climate change and uncertainty"
    Video fra konferencen

Professor Clive Sabel: "Using Big Data to understand personalised enviromental exposure"
Oplæg ved Peter Birch Sørensen, professor ved Økonomisk institut, KU 
Oplæg ved Claus Felby, Leder af Biotech, Novo Nordisk Fonden
Oplæg ved Jørgen E. Olesen, professor ved institut for Agroøkologi, AU
Oplæg ved Christian Ibsen, direktør CONCITO

Abstracts 2019

Torsdag den 22. august 2019

DANNERSALONEN - Klimapolitik og grønt BNP 
Sessionsleder : Peter Birch Sørensen

1. session 
The Cost of a Traget of 1M Green Cars in 2030
Otto Brøns-Petersen

Leakage of greenhouse gas emissions and Danish climate policy
Ulrik Beck

A theoretical framework for estimating the green net national product in a small open economy
Peter Birch Sørensen

LOUISESALEN  -  Landbrug  
Sessionsleder : Michael Skou Andersen

1. session 
Economic optimal nitrogen application under regulatory constraint for different farm types and in Denmark
Noah Larvoe

Land use policy criteria for cost-effective improvement of coastal waters in Denmark
Maria Theresia Konrad

Economic benefits of reducing agricultural N losses to coastal waters
Mikael Skou Andersen

Fredag den 23. august 2019


1. session - Fiskeri og invasive arter
Sessionsleder: Gustav E. Callesen

The Landing Obligation: Economic implications for the Danish fishery in the North Sea
Anna Knuhtsen

Regulation of aquaculture production
Frank Jensen

Screening potential costs of invasive species - methodology and results
Gustav E. Callesen

3. session - Fiskeri 
Sessionsleder : Peder Andersen

Can quota trade mitigate the economic effects of the Landings Obligation? A generic study based on the case of the Danish North Sea demersal fishery
Ayoe Hoff

Taxation of resource rent in fisheries, theory and policy relevance​
Peder Andersen

4. session - Værdisætning 
Sessionsleder: Toke Emil Panduro

Benefit-cost analyses of alternative Riparian Buffer Strip management scenarios in Denmark - will allowing for more flexible and targeted buffer strips be beneficial?
Søren Boye Olsen

What is it worth? Impact assessment of urban renewal and protection of cultural heritage
Lasse Læbo Matthiesen and Marie Lautrup

The value of living in proximity to a forest, a lake and the sea - A large scale hedonic house price valuation
Toke Emil Panduro


1. session - Klima og benefit transfer
Sessionsleder: Marianne Zandersen

The impacts of three dimensions of (dis)similarities on water quality benefit transfer errors
Jette Bredahl Jacobsen

Status and perspective of the COHERENT research project
Kirsten Halsnæs

Nature based solutions for climate adaptation - paying farmers for flood control
Marianne Zandersen

3. session - Miljøregulering og fordeling 
Sessionsleder: Morten Raun Mørkbak

The costs of not implementing EU environmental law​
Lorenz Wähler

Distribution of environmental exposures in Denmark
Morten Raun Mørkbak

4. session - Energi, klima og modeller
Sessionsleder : Rasmus Kehlet Berg

Developing an environmentally extended IO-CGE model for the Danish municipalities
Jonathan H. Lindahl

Energy taxation in Denmark
Vibe Busk Larsen

Modelling the energy sector in a computable general equilibrium model of the Danish economy
Rasmus Kehlet Berg