Miljøøkonomisk konference 2014

De Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat arrangerede den 7. årlige miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Skodsborg Hotel og Spa den 25.-26. august 2014.

Her kan du finde materialer fra konferencen.



25. august 2014

Keynote sessioner (Dannersalonen)

Keynote session ved Professor Charles D. Kolstad: Ethics and economics of climate change: New findings from the IPCC

Keynote session ved Ian Bateman: Bringing economics and space into ecosystem services assessments

Aftentale ved Birgitte Zacho: The art of nature

Øvrige sessioner i Dannersalonen

Expanding the analytical scope of economic appraisals. The case of the Danish climate policy instruments catalogue of 2013 (A.C. Hansen)

An empirical investigation into the characteristics of households investing in energy savings (S. Petersen)

Integration of wind power into the Danish power system (N. Vestergaard)

Sessioner i Louisesalen

Enhancing ecosystem services in Haderslev municipality (M. Vogdrup-Schmidt)

The recreational value of natural areas and parks in Denmark - an application of the multiple site travel cost model (T.B. Bjørner og C.U. Jensen)

Geographical mapping of ecosystem services and their economic values (M. Termansen)

26. august 2014

1. session (Dannersalonen)

Uncertainty in choice experiments: Using eye-tracking to improve choice experiments (K. Uggeldahl)

The influence of time-of-day on decision fatigue in stated choice experiments (S.B. Olsen)

The role of most recent and overall scuba diving experience for willingness to pay for improved underwater diving characteristics: The case of Sipadan, Borneo (D. Emang)

Income effects in environmental valuation - what is the relevant income measure? (B.J. Thorsen)

1. session (Louisesalen)

An auction mechanism for allocation of unobserved use of a common resource (L.G. Hansen)

Regulation of hunting with uncertain population levels (F. Jensen)

Renewable resources, ethnic institutions and regional economic activity: The case of maritime fishery in Africa (S. Borsky)

What’s going to happen with the CFP reform discard policy? (P. Andersen)

2. session (Dannersalonen)

Market insurance versus self-insurance: Analysis of Danish farmers (S.L. Jørgensen)

Regeneration decisions in forestry under climate change related uncertainties and risks: Effects of three different aspects of uncertainty (E. Schou)

Environmental profit and loss account (C. Damgaard og N.K. Høst-Madsen)

Landowner participation in forest conservation programs: A revealed approach using register, spatial, and contract data (J.B. Jacobsen)

2. session (Louisesalen)

Cost and benefits of (riparian) buffer strips and ecosystem services. A cost benefit analysis of the effects of the EU WFD on Denmark (R. Wessel)

Integration of ecosystem services approach in implementation of the Water Framework and Flood Directives (C. v.Breugel)

Comparing compensation mussel production costs and traditional agricultural farmers willingness to pay to reduce nutrient loads in the Limfjord (H. Frost)

Cost-efficient targeted location of N reduction measures by spatial hydro-economic modelling (B. Hasler)

3. session (Dannersalonen)

Distance dependency in WTP for forest access (A.S.E. Nielsen)

Evaluating urban ecosystem services in Oslo - a hedonic pricing approach (N.V. Traaholt)

Towards multifunctionality of rural natural environments? An economic valuation of the extended buffer zones along Danish rivers, streams and lakes (A. Münch)

Impacts of parks - an assessment of total economic value of parks in the municipality of Copenhagen (T.E. Panduro)

3. session (Louisesalen)

Pricing pollution: Flexible fee mechanism (M. Enggaard)

Regulation as a policy contest: The effect of changed environmental conditions on the probability of conservation of a renewable resource (U.S. Brandt)

Synergies and trade-offs in water quality and climate change mitigation policies (M. Konrad)

Invasive species management strategies: Adapting in the Arctic (B. Kaiser)



Keynote sessioner (Dannersalonen)

Keynote session ved Professor Charles D. Kolstad: Ethics and economics of climate change: New findings from the IPCC

Keynote session ved Ian Bateman: Bringing economics and space into ecosystem services assessments

Aftentale ved Birgitte Zacho: The art of nature