Miljøøkonomisk konference 2017

De Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat arrangerede den 10. miljøøkonomiske konference for alle med miljøøkonomisk og miljøpolitisk interesse på Kurhotel Skodsborg den 24. og 25. august 2017.

Konferencens indhold i 2017
Årets konference bød på oplæg af to internationale kapaciteter. De var Jason F. Shogren, University of Wyoming og Maximilian Auffhammer, University of California, Berkely.  Udover keynote-talerne var der parallelle sessioner med præsentation af deltagernes eget arbejde.

Miljøøkonomisk konference den 24. og 25. august 2017

Professor Jason F. Shogren, USA
Professor Maximilian Auffhammer, USA

Temasession: Finansministeriets nye vejledning til samfundsøkonomisk projektvurdering
Lars Haagen Pedersen, Afdelingschef i Finansministeriet
Professor Claus Thustrup Kreiner, Københavns Universitet
Professor Mogens Fosgerau, Københavns Universitet
Professor Mikael Skou Andersen, Aarhus Universitet

Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen: The Greenhouse effect, climate change and climate agreements — new knowledge and great challenges

Abstracts 2017

1. session i Dannersalonen   
Ikke-kvotesektoren frem mod 2030
Sessionsleder: Frederik Silbye

Household's choice of heating technology
(Martin Rasmussen)

The  impacts of regulating GHG emissions in the Danish agriculture sector
(Saraly Andrade de Sá)

Prioritering af klimaindsatsen i ikke-kvotesektoren
(Frederik Silbye)

1. session i Louisesalen

Sessionsleder: Anna Kristina Edenbrandt

The Choice of forest location for recreation
(Fitalew Agimass Taye)

Watch, listen and learn: Using multimadia instructions in CE
(Kennel  C. Uggedahl)

Preferences for pesticide-free food achieved by cisgenics
(Anna Kristina Edenbrandt)

2. session i Dannersalonen
Klimapolitik og regulering
Sessionsleder: Eirik S. Amundsen

CO2 emissions from international shipping
(Tristan Smith)

Distributive outcomes of climate  policy matter: measuring social preferences for climate policy (Lea S. Svenningsen)

More gas, less coal, and less CO2? Unilateral CO2 reduction policies with more than one carbon resource
(Julien Xavier Daubanes)

Addressing the climate problem: Choice between allowances, feed-in tariffs and taxes
(Eirik S. Amundsen)

2. session i Louisesalen
Miljø og økonomiske modeller
Sessionsleder: Peder Andersen

Measures of biodiversity – and links to economic modelling
(Michael M. Sørensen)

Developing improved methods for identifying the cost-efficient abatement set in the Baltic Sea region
(Janne Helin)

Socially optimal transition to a fossil free society
(Jens Myling-Petersen)

Uncertainty and large scale models- Why continuous beats discrete sensitivity analyses
(Lars B. Termansen)

3. session i Dannersalonen
Invasive arter
Sessionsleder: Brooks A. Kaiser

Allocation of research resources for invasive species with a commercial value: The case of the red king crab in Norway
(Melina Kourantidou)

When the point of departure matters –The case of prevention vs. mitigation in management of invasive species
(Jesper S. Schou)

A case for the commons: The snow crab in the Barents
(Brooks A. Kaiser)

3. session i Louisesalen
Afdækkede præferencer

Sessionsleder: Uzma Aslam

Willingness to pay for beach recreation and
coastal protection

(Toke E. Panduro)

Robin Hood in reverse? Assessing the distributional effects of urban nature using a second-stage hedonic house price model
(Cathrine U. Jensen)

Spatially-explicit model of the Baltic Sea based recreation demand – Identifying recreational hotspots
(Uzma Aslam)

4. session i Dannersalonen
Sessionsleder: Ulrik R. Beck

Effectiveness of nitrogen abatement trading: A hypothetical market experiment
 (Line B. Hansen)

Targeted regulation and land use: Implications for pesticide usage and nitrogen leakage
(Maria T. Konrad)

Cost Efficient Regulation of the Danish Agricultural Discharges of Nitrogen to Coastal Waters – Economic analysis of total cost and the distribution of cost
(Ulrik R. Beck)

4. session i Louisesalen
Regulering og produktion
Sessionsleder: Jin Zhang

Environmental taxes and offshoring—evidence from Danish firm data
(Mathilde Mammen)

Asymmetric information and heterogeneity in fisheries: an empirical study of the information rent in the cod fishery in Kattegat
(Oskar Hansen)

Optimal joint production of timber, seeds and carbon sequestration of oleaginous trees: a study in Pistacia chinensis
(Jin Zhang)