Privacy Policy

The Danish Economic Councils processes personal data as part of our work. On this page, you can find information on how The Economic Councils process personal data.

Processing of data as part of the Economic Councils work is in compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation**. The information on the page is solely for your orientation, you need not take any action, and you will not lose any of your rights by not reading the following information.

1. The Economic Councils’ data processing

The Economic Councils function as the data processer in the following processes:

Website Visitors

When you visit, information is collected that is used to customize and improve our website content. Read more about our cookie policy here: (Danish).


When we receive inquiries, we process personal data such as your name, e-mail addresses, and any other information you choose to include in your inquiry.

Administrative personnel has access the information. The information is not passed on.

Distribution of reports

When we distribute our annual reports, we process data such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and place of employment, as these are necessary for shipping. To be able to send future reports, we store the data for up to two years, but if you wish to be removed from our distribution list, you can contact us, and we will delete your information upon inquiry.

Administrative personnel has access the information. The information is only passed on to the printing company, as they are responsible for shipping.

Conferences and seminars

When we hold conferences and seminars we process data such as names, e-mail addresses, place of employment, and job title, this information is used when planning the events, for example when we book conference places, and when billing. In some cases, we also process information about allergies and other dietary restrictions in order to cater.
The information is stored with our webpage-provider. Administrative personnel has access the information. As we wish to invite you to future events, we store your data for up to three years but if you wish to be removed from our distribution list, you can contact us, and we will delete your information upon inquiry.


You can read more about our privacy policy in relation to newsletters, on the sign-up page: (Danish).

Job application and hiring

When we receive a job application, we process data such as names, addresses, contact information and information about qualifications. In some cases, we also process data such as CPR-numbers, when these are included on exam-papers.
We store rejected job applications up to six months, both to document our hiring-process, and in case, a profile matches as different vacant position.

The Economic Councils may, in some cases, disclose information to public and legal authorities if we are obliged to do so. This could include information that needs to be shared with an applicant's municipality of residence if the individual is disabled and wishes to exercise their preferential rights.


Upon hiring, we provide information on our processing of data as part of administration of personnel.

You can read more about our processing of personal data in connection with employment and ongoing personnel administration here:

2. Lawfulness

The Economic Councils processing of data is based on the GDPR article 6, 1, a-f, and article 9, 2, a-j.

3. Recipients

The Economic Councils only pass on your information if this is necessary based on your inquiry.

4. Storing information

The Economic Councils only store your data, as long as it is necessary for the processes we collected it for. When the processes are finished, we delete your data, but under the Danish Archive Law, it is our duty as a public authority to archive documents related to our work.

5. Your rights

As an individual, the GDPR provides you with the following rights:

  • The right to be informed
  • The right of access
  • The right to rectification
  • The right to erasure
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to object
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

If you wish to make use of your rights, you can contact us at However, there will be cases where we as a public authority are exempt.

You can read more about your rights here:  

6. Safety

The Economic Councils have implemented a number of Privacy Enhancing Technologies. However, we wish to inform you that if you contact us by e-mail, these are not encrypted.

If you wish to send encrypted material to the Economic Councils, you can contact us in advance at for guidance.

7. Questions

If you have any questions about the Economic Councils processing of personal information, you can contact us on: You can also contact the Economic Affairs' DPA::

Ved Stranden 8
1061 København K

8. Complaint to the Data Protection Agency

If you wish to complain to The Danish Data Protection Agency about the Economic Councils processing of personal information, you can read more here:  

** Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Data Protection Directive). In which it is stated that the data processer must provide the registered persons with information when collecting their data.