The Environmental Economic Council

The Environmental Economic Council was established by law in 2007. The objective of the Council is to examine the interaction between the environment and the economy and to assess the efficiency of the Danish environmental policy.

The Council consists of chairmanship and a further up to 17 members representing unions, employers' federations, the Government, Non-Govermental Organizations and 4 academic experts. The members are nominated by the individual organizations, and are appointed by the Minister of Economic Affairs. In total, there are currently 25 members of the Environmental Economic Council.

Members of the Environmental Economic Council:
  • The chairmanship — four professors in Economics (Formandskabet)
  • Ministry of Finance (Finansministeriet)
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs (Økonomiministeriet)​
  • Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities (Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsministeriet)
  • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark (Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri)
  • Ministry of Environment of Denmark (Miljøministeriet)
  • The Danish Society for Nature Conservation (Danmarks Naturfredningsforening)
  • Local Government Denmark (KL - Kommunale organisationer)
  • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Verdensnaturfonden)
  • The Danish Outdoor Council (Friluftsrådet)
  • The Danish Agriculture & Food Council (Landbrug & Fødevarer)
  • Danish District Heating Association, Danish Water and Waste Water Association (DANVA) and Circular Denmark (Dansk Fjernvarme, Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening (DANVA) og Brancheforeningen Cirkulær)
  • Danish Trade Union Conferederation, The Economic Council of the Labour Movement and CO-industri (Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisationen, Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd og CO-industri)
  • The Danish Chamber of Commerce (Dansk Erhverv)
  • Confederation of Danish Industry (DI - Dansk Industri)
  • The Danish Consumer Council (Forbrugerrådet Tænk)
  • Green Power Denmark
  • Academic experts (særligt sagkyndige)