
The chairmanship prepares four annual reports: Two on general economic issues (including a forecast of the Danish economy and evaluation of the public finances), one on environmental issues, and one on productivity.

The reports on general economic issuses are called "Danish Economy" (starting in 1962). The reports on enviromnemtal issues "Economy and Environment" (starting in 2007). The reports on productivity issues are called "Productivity" (starting in 2017).

All reports are in Danish, but contain an English Summary (only available on this page from 1997).

From Danish Economy, Autumn 2020. English version of Chapter V ”Epidemiology and Economics” .


Economy and Environment, 2016

The value of a statistical life, Air pollution, Denmark free of fossil fuels by 2050

Read entire report in Danish

Danish Economy, Autumn 2015

Economic Outlook, Public Finances, Public income support with special attention to social assistance,

Read entire report in Danish

Danish Economy, Spring 2015

Economic Outlook, Public Finances, Banking Union, Danish Remote Areas

Read entire report in Danish

Economy and Environment, 2015

The Water Framework Directive and Regulation of Nitrogen missions to Coastal Waters, Groundwater, Drinking Water and Pesticides, Economic growth and the environment

Read entire report in Danish

Danish Economy, Autumn 2014

Economic Outlook, Unemployment Insurance in Denmark

Read entire report in Danish

Danish Economy, Spring 2014

Economic Outlook, Fiscal Sustainability and Generational Distribution, Upper Secondary Education

Read entire report in Danish

Economy and Environment, 2014

Costs of Renewable Energy Targets, The Danish Ressource Strategy, Invasive Alien Species, Recreational Values Generated by Natural Areas and Urban Green Spaces, Public Transportation

Read entire report in Danish

Danish Economy, Autumn 2013

Economic Outlook, Employment and Productivity in Danish Firms during the Economic Up- and Downturn

Read entire report in Danish

Danish Economy, Spring 2013

Economic Outlook, Longterm Fiscal Sustainability, Old Age Retirement

Read entire report in Danish

Economy and Environment, 2013

Energy and Climate Policy, Car Taxation, Accidents and Environment, Waste

Read entire report in Danish